I was a bit taken aback when I read E.J.
Dionne's column in The Washington Post last Thursday
morning. The normally temperate columnist concluded:
“Here’s a hypothetical for you: First, the Supreme Court
issues a ruling that installs a conservative president. Then, he appoints two
conservative Supreme Court justices who then join with three of their
colleagues to make mincemeat of the greatest achievement of a progressive
president elected by a clear majority. If such a thing happened in any other
country, would we still call it a democratic republic?”
In the same vein, Linda Greenhouse concluded her article (“Law
in the Raw”) written for The New York Times on King v. Burwell on a dispiriting note:
“So this case is rich in almost every possible dimension. Its
arrival on the Supreme Court’s docket is also profoundly depressing. In decades
of court-watching, I have struggled — sometimes it has seemed against all odds
— to maintain the belief that the Supreme Court really is a court and not just
a collection of politicians in robes. This past week, I’ve found myself
struggling against the impulse to say two words: I surrender.”
Emotions are obviously running high on this subject.
Opponents of the ACA are gleeful, thinking that they may have the ACA on the
ropes, while supporters of the law are fearful of what might happen if the
Supreme Court finds for the plaintiffs. As
I have indicated, Republican opponents of the law are probably better off
politically if they lose this case. That way they can complain about whichever justice
or justices joins the four more liberal members of the Court while still
contending that the ACA is a terrible statute and terrible public policy. If
they win, Republicans in Congress and many Republican governors will have to deal
with real-world consequences, including some very angry voters.
If King v. Burwell
was not enough to keep Republican opponents of the ACA’s spirits up, there were some new Jonathan Gruber videos on which to comment while they conveniently ignored that both parties play games in order to get the CBO to score the fiscal impact
of legislation in a way that enables it to be passed.
Gruber was, of course, not careful in what he said. Calling voters “stupid”
in a public forum is not smart. Congressional committees may now hold
hearings on what Gruber said, but this is for show – in fact, it is a sideshow.
Rather than getting on their high horse and criticizing Democrats for
dishonesty and lack of transparency, serious Republican policy wonks would
better spend their time in coming up with ways to reduce U.S. medical costs to
levels approaching what other industrial countries pay while providing
universal healthcare to their citizens and achieving better public health
results. Harping on Gruber is not serious.
As a final point, while the ACA will at some point be
amended and, hopefully, improved, the goal of providing universal, or near-universal,
affordable healthcare is not going away, no matter how successful the
Republicans have been at bad-mouthing “Obamacare.” Republicans need to accept
that. They might usefully remember that, while admittedly, the United Kingdom
is a very different country than the U.S., Prime
Minister Clement Attlee, whose government, among other initiatives, created
the National Health Service after World War II, is considered to be among the
greatest Prime Ministers of the 20th century.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards
justice.” (Theodore
Parker, Martin Luther King, and others.)
Good comments, thanx, incl. Dionne and Greenhouse views.